3D Consulting Services

Complete Business Technologies Newcastle, The Hunter and Port Stephens.
Newcastle’s Konica Minolta Specialists

Digital Manufacturing

CBTech’s in-house engineering and manufacturing experience can assist clients with solving problems at component or assembly level by applying digital manufacturing methodologies including 3D Scanning and 3D Modelling.

CBTech can then print in composite or metal to deliver finished components as well as utilising traditional manufacturing methods when required or a combination of these.

We help our clients embrace digital manufacturing as an enabling technology to improve current products and develop new ones.

Digital Manufacturing

CBTech’s in-house engineering and manufacturing experience can assist clients with solving problems at component or assembly level by applying digital manufacturing methodologies including 3D Scanning and 3D Modelling.

CBTech can then print in composite or metal to deliver finished components as well as utilising traditional manufacturing methods when required or a combination of these.

We help our clients embrace digital manufacturing as an enabling technology to improve current products and develop new ones.

Other 3D Manufacturing Services

3D Printers

Think big with professional 3D printing from Markforged & 3D Systems and bring your ideas to life. Discover ground-breaking 3D technology producing industrial strength parts for prototyping through to end-use parts.

3D Scanners

EviXscan 3D Scanners are designed to meet the growing demands and requirements for reliable, fast and accurate metrology devices used in reverse engineering, contactless quality control, 3D modelling and rapid prototyping.

3D Printers

Think big with professional 3D printing from Markforged & 3D Systems and bring your ideas to life. Discover ground-breaking 3D technology producing industrial strength parts for prototyping through to end-use parts.

3D Scanners

EviXscan 3D Scanners are designed to meet the growing demands and requirements for reliable, fast and accurate metrology devices used in reverse engineering, contactless quality control, 3D modelling and rapid prototyping.

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